Part 28: Update XXVI - Sea of memories
Update XXVI - Sea of memories
Music: School IV
Breaktime's over, back to bothering everyone in school.

She's your opponent! She's a kid, but she'll kill you once she has the chance!

It's like no style I've heard of.

This really comes in handy when you want to survey the surrounding area for enemies.

That Master, Alice, is teleporting around inside the
SE.RA.PH. It's certainly news to me that a Spiritron Hacker could be capable of such a feat. Maybe she's insanely talented... or maybe there's something else at work here. You should be careful.

Select Equip from the terminal menu to view descriptions of
Mystic Codes. You can equip two
Mystic Codes, so pick your best combo! Press ■ to read their descriptions.

Have you obtained your
cipher keys? You'll get a bit of combat experience looking for them.

...Even if a pair of twins entered the Holy Grail War... The system does not allow allied fights in the Arena.

What if the two of them combined are actually one Master?

...Then they would not actually be two. I can't sense any vitality in that child. I can't sense any of the electrical fluctuations present in the living things in the Holy Grail War. What that ultimately means, I do not know...
It means she's a ghost, Rani, try to keep up here.

...I wonder how that'll work. A basic tenet of the war is that all fights are one on one. Even if Masters form alliances while on campus, all ties get cut once they're inside of the Arena.

If that's the case, is it possible that a Master managed to summon multiple Servants? The Alice in black and that thing; it was inferred that both of them were Alice's Servants...

Nope, not remotely possible. Every Servant has a direct connection to their Master's ID. To put it in simple terms, the system prohibits Masters from having more than one Servant. She must either be splitting herself using a spell or one of them is an Effigy...or something.

But I can't confirm or deny the existence of twin Masters. And she can't be the only one I mean, you can only have one Command Seal. Maybe one of them is an Effigy or something...
That's 2F and 3F cleared out, but when I head to 1F...
Music: Stops
Oh no.

We've found you.
Music: Breach

That's right. This time there won't be some stupid grinning cat to help you out.

I can't move. I am trapped between these two little girls... I am struck dumb, my mind totally blank. The sudden sounding of an electronic chime brings me back to reality.
Music: School IV
We're only three days in, the second floor opened up quickly this week!

The message reminds me that the days are inexorably marching to the moment of truth. Those twins, I don't know why they affect me so... I don't have time to worry about it. I'd better go to the Arena.

Do you have the will to compete against that little girl?

I will do anything to stay by his side. ANYTHING.

Man, it seems like you're always running around campus. Doesn't all of that running make you sick? Like, your legs turn to rubber and whatnot?

If your Servant is on the verge of death, you can use the crystal to escape the Arena. When exploring the depths of the Arena, having a return crystal is almost a requirement.

Rin Tohsaka was just saying how eating one of the sandwiches here brought back memories. You know, I wonder where she is in the real world.
Alright, time to face the latest game.
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor
What'll the Arena for this week be?
A giant fairy tale castle.
Made of solid ice.
What else could
it be?
The twins are already waiting for us.
You can't tell, even in a gif, but their idle animations have a slight error in them, making them jitter for a frame when it loops. I have no idea if this is due to hardware limitations, a small mistake by the art team, or if it was intentional, but it does make them much more unnerving.
And with that, I'm already afraid.
Music: Fear
Again with the color filters! At least people are untouched this time.
Yamada and Suzuki were probably her last two opponents.

You won't be able to remember anybody's names. You'll see in a minute, lady.

Nuh-uh. It goes like this: first you forget your name and then you forget who you are and then The end! And you won't have to be a Master anymore!
Oh christ!

Isn't it fun?!

Are you ready? Ready, set, go!

It's gonna be lame to chase after them, but they'll take down the Reality Marble once captured. We should be able to corner them in a dead end, Master! Let's teach those naughty kids a lesson!
This field has a damage effect, same as Robin's poison from last week.
And just like Robin's poison, the field can't kill you.
You can see Alice on the map as that red arrow.
Approaching them for the first time makes them teleport ahead.


All of this running around is really, REALLY, getting on my nerves!
Once they reappear, they'll chase you down.
At which point Alice nails you with a field attack.
Their AI for this section is simple. If you aren't chasing them, they'll run at you and take potshots. If you're keeping up with them, they'll be too busy running down a set path to shoot back. If you manage to get too close, they'll teleport ahead.
First up is this winding path.
Unlike last week, where enemies were still around while the area was poisoned, no enemies can spawn inside this field. I guess they all forgot their names.
The winding path leads to a dead end.

But, she probably can't remember her name anymore.

You can't remember your name, can you lady?

Do I know the names of these girls? Do I know my own name? Wait, did I ever have a name to begin with?
You know, this is probably much more effective on Hakuno, considering she only has 2~ weeks worth of memories to begin with.
Hakuno fades for a moment, but quickly recovers.

MMaster! Don't tell me you don't remember my name, either!

Caster's name...? She's right, I can't remember it-

You gotta catch me, or your body will go bye-bye next!

*Giggle* Catch me if you can, lady!
They show up further back on the path.

No way am I letting them get away! Let's catch those brats, Master!
We're getting close to the castle.
Alice's path takes us right next to it, even.
It also takes us to another dead end.

Lady, why are you being so scary? Are you mad at me...?

Why are you mad? Uh-oh, is it cuz your body's going bye-bye?
Hakuno nearly fades out entirely this time.

Noooooo! My Master's body! It can't disappear before I have a taste of it!

I'm scared!
Alice, why are they so mad...?

I dunno, Alice. We were only playing.
They teleport behind us again.

Argh, they're just so effing agile! I'm going to capture them next time!
The Alices were right by a chest, so I grab that while I'm here.
Fun fact: If you can quickly double back to get your Servant between you and Alice when she fires a shot...
...they'll block the hit!
Anyways, more chasing.
Grab another chest.
Get shot out of another teleport.
And one more dead end.

...Why are you so mad? ...*Sniffle*... I just wanted to play...

It's not safe, Alice. We'd better go away.

*Sob*... I'm sorry...lady...
The twins leave the Arena.
But the field is still up.
Oh hey, I was wrong, turns out the item box will just occasionally go first person.
This has really done a number on poor Hakuno, hasn't it?
Music: School III

But, Little Miss Dropsy left behind something in the Arena. Let's investigate that tomorrow.
Next time: What's in a name?